Two thai students may stuck car found us river

Oh no, that sounds like a serious situation! Here's a possible response:

Emergency Response

We've received a distress call from two Thai students who may be stuck in a car that has been found in a river. We're sending a team of rescuers to the location immediately.

Rescue Efforts

Our team is en route to the scene and will do their best to locate the students and extract them from the car safely. We'll provide updates as more information becomes available.

Additional Information

Can you please provide us with more details about the situation? Where exactly is the car located? Are the students conscious and able to communicate? Any information you can provide will help us respond more effectively.


Our team has arrived at the scene and is assessing the situation. The car is partially submerged in the river, and the students are trapped inside. Our rescuers are working to free them from the wreckage.


The students have been freed from the car, and they are receiving medical attention. They are conscious and able to communicate, but they are shaken and cold. Our team is working to warm them up and provide any necessary medical treatment.


The students have been transported to a nearby hospital for further treatment. They are expected to make a full recovery. We're grateful that the rescue efforts were successful, and we're relieved that the students are safe.

Please let us know if there's anything else we can do to assist.