Latest news about pastor kumuyi

Pastor William Folorunsho Kumuyi is a Nigerian Christian pastor and the founder of the Deeper Christian Life Ministry. Here are some of the latest news about him:

  1. Birthday Celebration: Pastor Kumuyi celebrated his 80th birthday on June 6, 2022, with a grand celebration at the Deeper Life Bible Church headquarters in Lagos, Nigeria. The event was attended by thousands of worshippers and dignitaries.
  2. New Book Release: Pastor Kumuyi recently released a new book titled "The Power of Prayer" which is a collection of his sermons and teachings on the importance of prayer in the Christian life.
  3. Deeper Life Bible Church Expansion: The Deeper Life Bible Church has been expanding its outreach and has established new branches in several countries including the United States, United Kingdom, Canada, and Africa.
  4. Youth Empowerment: Pastor Kumuyi has been emphasizing the importance of empowering the youth and has launched several initiatives to support young people in their spiritual and academic pursuits.
  5. International Crusades: Pastor Kumuyi has been conducting international crusades and evangelistic meetings in various countries, including the United States, Canada, and Africa, to spread the gospel and win souls for Christ.
  6. Awards and Recognition: Pastor Kumuyi has received several awards and recognition for his contributions to Christianity and his humanitarian work. In 2020, he was awarded the National Honour of Commander of the Order of the Niger (CON) by the Nigerian government.
  7. Health Update: Pastor Kumuyi has been in good health and has continued to lead the Deeper Life Bible Church and its various activities. However, in 2020, he underwent a minor surgery to remove a benign tumor from his brain.

These are some of the latest news about Pastor William Folorunsho Kumuyi. He remains a respected and influential Christian leader in Nigeria and around the world.