Un chief appeals against stigmatisation over coronavirus

The United Nations Secretary-General, António Guterres, has appealed to the international community to stop stigmatizing people who have been infected with the coronavirus, saying that such behavior is not only harmful but also counterproductive to the global fight against the pandemic.

In a statement issued on March 25, 2020, Guterres emphasized that "stigma and discrimination are not only morally reprehensible, but they are also a major obstacle to containing the spread of the virus."

He noted that stigmatizing individuals who have been infected with COVID-19 can lead to social isolation, mental health problems, and even physical harm. "It can also undermine trust in public health measures and reduce the willingness of people to seek medical care, which can have devastating consequences," he warned.

Guterres called on governments, civil society, and individuals to take immediate action to combat stigma and discrimination against people affected by the pandemic. He urged people to treat those who have been infected with respect, compassion, and understanding, and to recognize that they are not to blame for the spread of the virus.

The UN Secretary-General also emphasized the importance of promoting accurate information and education about COVID-19, and of addressing the social and economic impacts of the pandemic on vulnerable populations, such as the elderly, children, and those with pre-existing medical conditions.

In conclusion, Guterres stressed that "we must work together to build a culture of solidarity, compassion, and respect for all individuals affected by the pandemic, regardless of their background, nationality, or circumstances."