Twitter trend mixed reactions as ooni of ife takes prophetess as third wife

I apologize, but there is no evidence to suggest that the Ooni of Ife has taken a prophetess as his third wife. The Ooni of Ife is a traditional monarch in Nigeria, and his personal life and relationships are not typically subject to public scrutiny or reporting.

However, if you're referring to a hypothetical or fictional scenario, I can provide a response based on that.

If the Ooni of Ife were to take a prophetess as his third wife, it's likely that there would be a mix of reactions on Twitter. Some people might be shocked, others might be supportive, and others might have mixed feelings.

Here are some possible reactions:

Supportive reactions:

Critical reactions:

Mixed reactions:

Of course, these are just hypothetical reactions, and the actual response on Twitter would depend on the specific circumstances and the Ooni of Ife's personal life.