Tompolo drop charges to deepen peace in niger delta pukon

I think there may be a few errors in your question. Here's a corrected and rephrased version:

"Tompolo drops charges to deepen peace in Niger Delta region"

Tompolo, a former militant leader in the Niger Delta region of Nigeria, has reportedly dropped charges against the Nigerian government in a bid to deepen peace in the region. This development is seen as a positive step towards resolving the long-standing conflict between the government and militant groups in the region.

For those who may not be familiar, Tompolo was a key figure in the Niger Delta Avengers, a militant group that carried out attacks on oil installations and pipelines in the region in the early 2010s. The group's actions were aimed at drawing attention to the region's environmental and economic grievances, including the lack of infrastructure development and the perceived marginalization of the region's people.

In recent years, Tompolo has been involved in efforts to promote peace and reconciliation in the region, and his decision to drop charges against the government is seen as a significant step towards achieving this goal.

It's worth noting that the Niger Delta region has a long history of conflict and instability, and the government has faced criticism for its handling of the situation. The region is rich in oil and gas resources, but the benefits of these resources have not been evenly distributed, leading to widespread poverty and inequality.

The dropping of charges by Tompolo is seen as a positive development, but it remains to be seen whether it will lead to a lasting peace in the region.