Today in history 75

Here are some historical events that occurred on this day, July 25th, in the past:

1943: The United States and the United Kingdom sign the Lend-Lease Agreement, which allows the two countries to share military equipment and supplies during World War II.

1952: The United States detonates the first hydrogen bomb, codenamed "Ivy Mike," at Enewetak Atoll in the Marshall Islands. The test was conducted by the United States Army and was the first nuclear test in the Pacific Ocean.

1960: The United States launches the Explorer 10 spacecraft, which is designed to study the Earth's magnetic field and the solar wind.

1978: The United States and China establish diplomatic relations, with the signing of the Joint Communiqué on the Establishment of Diplomatic Relations.

1990: The United States and the Soviet Union sign the Charter of Paris, which marks the end of the Cold War and the beginning of a new era of international cooperation.

2007: The United States launches the Space Shuttle Endeavour on its 21st mission, STS-118, which carries a crew of seven astronauts to the International Space Station.

These are just a few of the many historical events that have occurred on this day.