The pls coronavirus options void postpone or formula

You're referring to the COVID-19 pandemic and the options for dealing with it!

The "PLS" acronym you mentioned likely stands for the following options:

P - Postpone: This option involves delaying or putting off non-essential activities, events, or travel to reduce the risk of transmission and slow the spread of the virus.

L - Limit: This option involves limiting the number of people who can gather in one place, reducing the size of crowds, and minimizing close contact between individuals to reduce the risk of transmission.

S - Social distancing: This option involves maintaining a safe physical distance from others (at least 6 feet or 2 meters) to reduce the risk of transmission.

These options are often used in combination with each other and with other measures, such as mask-wearing, hand hygiene, and testing, to help control the spread of the virus.

The "formula" you mentioned is likely a reference to the concept of "flatten the curve," which involves slowing the spread of the virus to prevent overwhelming healthcare systems and reducing the number of severe cases and hospitalizations.

By implementing these options and measures, individuals, communities, and governments can work together to reduce the spread of COVID-19 and protect public health.