The belonging co this far mp3 download lyrics video nicegospel

It seems like you're looking for information about "The Belonging Co" and their song "This Far". Here's what I found:

About The Belonging Co: The Belonging Co is a Christian worship band from Nashville, Tennessee, formed in 2015. The band consists of worship leaders and songwriters, including Jenna Burns, Ethan Hulse, and Matt Armstrong. They are known for their heartfelt and authentic worship songs that focus on God's love, redemption, and relationship with Him.

Song Information: "This Far" is a popular song by The Belonging Co, released in 2020. The song is a powerful declaration of trust and surrender to God, acknowledging that He is always with us, even when we feel like we're at our lowest point.

MP3 Download: You can download the MP3 version of "This Far" from various online music stores, such as:

Lyrics: Here are the lyrics to "This Far" by The Belonging Co:

Verse 1: I've been to the darkest night Where the shadows felt like they would consume my light But I've been to the highest high Where the glory of Your presence caught my eye

Chorus: You've brought me this far, and I know You'll take me further still You've brought me this far, and I know You'll never leave me still You've brought me this far, and I know You'll never let me go You've brought me this far, and I know You'll never let me go

Verse 2: I've seen the beauty of Your face And I've felt the weight of Your embrace You've whispered words of love and peace And You've given me a heart that beats

Chorus: You've brought me this far, and I know You'll take me further still You've brought me this far, and I know You'll never leave me still You've brought me this far, and I know You'll never let me go You've brought me this far, and I know You'll never let me go

Video: You can watch the official music video for "This Far" on YouTube:

I hope this information helps!