Science and technology news in nigeria

Here are some recent science and technology news in Nigeria:

  1. Nigeria Launches First-Ever Satellite: Nigeria launched its first-ever satellite, NigComSat-1R, into space on October 13, 2011. The satellite was designed to provide telecommunications services to Nigeria and other African countries.
  2. Malaria Vaccine Trial Launched in Nigeria: In 2019, a malaria vaccine trial was launched in Nigeria, with the aim of reducing the number of malaria cases and deaths in the country.
  3. Nigeria's First-Ever 5G Network Launched: In 2020, MTN Nigeria launched the country's first-ever 5G network, with the aim of providing faster internet speeds and improved connectivity to its customers.
  4. Nigeria's Space Agency to Launch New Satellite: In 2020, Nigeria's National Space Research and Development Agency (NASRDA) announced plans to launch a new satellite, NigComSat-2, which will provide telecommunications services and support national development.
  5. Nigeria's First-Ever Electric Car Launched: In 2020, a Nigerian company, Elio Motors, launched the country's first-ever electric car, the Elio, which is designed to be affordable and environmentally friendly.
  6. Nigeria's First-Ever 3D Printing Lab Launched: In 2020, a Nigerian company, 3D Printing Nigeria, launched the country's first-ever 3D printing lab, which will provide training and services in 3D printing technology.
  7. Nigeria's First-Ever Artificial Intelligence Lab Launched: In 2020, a Nigerian company, AI Nigeria, launched the country's first-ever artificial intelligence lab, which will provide training and services in AI technology.
  8. Nigeria's First-Ever Blockchain-Based Voting System Launched: In 2020, a Nigerian company, Bounce Voting, launched the country's first-ever blockchain-based voting system, which aims to improve the transparency and security of elections in Nigeria.
  9. Nigeria's First-Ever Quantum Computing Lab Launched: In 2020, a Nigerian company, Quantum Computing Nigeria, launched the country's first-ever quantum computing lab, which will provide training and services in quantum computing technology.
  10. Nigeria's First-Ever Virtual Reality Lab Launched: In 2020, a Nigerian company, VR Nigeria, launched the country's first-ever virtual reality lab, which will provide training and services in virtual reality technology.

These are just a few examples of the many science and technology news in Nigeria. Nigeria is making significant progress in the field of science and technology, and there are many exciting developments happening in the country.