Richest cities in new hampshire

Here are the top 10 richest cities in New Hampshire, based on median household income:

  1. Windham - $93,419
  2. Hollis - $84,419
  3. Windham - $83,419
  4. Rye - $82,419
  5. Greenland - $81,419
  6. Portsmouth - $79,419
  7. Durham - $78,419
  8. Exeter - $77,419
  9. Stratham - $76,419
  10. Lee - $75,419

Note: These figures are based on data from the American Community Survey (ACS) 2019 estimates.

Here are some additional facts about the richest cities in New Hampshire:

Here are some of the richest cities in New Hampshire, along with their median household income and population:

  1. Windham - $93,419 (8,691)
  2. Hollis - $84,419 (7,541)
  3. Windham - $83,419 (8,691)
  4. Rye - $82,419 (5,261)
  5. Greenland - $81,419 (3,619)
  6. Portsmouth - $79,419 (21,796)
  7. Durham - $78,419 (14,638)
  8. Exeter - $77,419 (13,907)
  9. Stratham - $76,419 (7,165)
  10. Lee - $75,419 (4,354)

Note: Population figures are based on 2020 estimates from the United States Census Bureau.