Reactions as armed forces and shiite protesters clash in abuja for the third day

BREAKING: Clashes Erupt in Abuja as Armed Forces and Shiite Protesters Confront Each Other for Third Day

Reports of Injuries and Arrests as Tensions Escalate

Abuja, Nigeria - The standoff between the Nigerian Armed Forces and members of the Islamic Movement in Nigeria (IMN), also known as the Shiites, has entered its third day, with clashes erupting in the capital city of Abuja.

Eyewitnesses describe chaotic scenes as security forces, including soldiers and police officers, clashed with protesters from the IMN, who are demanding the release of their leader, Ibrahim Zakzaky, and his wife, Zeenat.

Violence Erupts

According to reports, the clashes began early in the morning, with protesters attempting to breach security barriers set up by the authorities. Security forces responded with tear gas and live ammunition, leading to widespread panic and chaos.

Injuries and Arrests

Multiple sources confirm that several people have been injured, including protesters and security personnel. The exact number of casualties is unclear, but eyewitnesses describe the scenes as "chaotic" and "terrifying."

Protesters Defiant

Despite the violence, IMN protesters remain defiant, insisting that they will continue their demands for the release of their leader and his wife. The group has been holding protests in Abuja and other cities across Nigeria for several weeks, calling for the government to respect their rights and freedoms.

Government Response

The Nigerian government has issued a statement condemning the violence and urging protesters to disperse peacefully. The authorities have also deployed additional security personnel to the area to maintain order.

International Concerns

The clashes have sparked concerns from international human rights organizations, who are calling for restraint and an end to the violence. The United Nations has also issued a statement urging the Nigerian government to respect the rights of protesters and to ensure that security forces use minimal force.

Ongoing Situation

The situation in Abuja remains tense, with protesters and security forces continuing to clash. The Nigerian government has announced plans to hold emergency meetings to address the crisis, but the outcome is unclear.

Stay Tuned for Updates

This is a developing story, and we will provide updates as more information becomes available.