Punch today

It sounds like you're looking to get in a good workout today! Punching can be a great way to improve hand-eye coordination, increase strength and endurance, and even relieve stress.

If you're looking for some punching exercises to try, here are a few ideas:

  1. Shadowboxing: This is a classic punching exercise that involves punching the air while moving around and throwing different combinations of punches.
  2. Heavy bag work: Hanging a heavy bag from a sturdy hook and punching it can be a great way to improve your punching technique and build up your endurance.
  3. Speed bag work: A speed bag is a small, weighted bag that hangs from a hook and moves quickly when punched. This can be a great way to improve your hand-eye coordination and timing.
  4. Focus mitts: Focus mitts are small, padded gloves that a partner wears on their hands. You can punch the mitts while your partner moves them around, which can help improve your timing and coordination.

Remember to always warm up before starting any workout, and to listen to your body and take breaks as needed. It's also a good idea to work with a partner or trainer who can help you improve your technique and provide feedback.

Do you have a favorite punching exercise or routine that you like to do?