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The Google News API!

The Google News API is a web service that allows developers to access news articles and metadata from Google News. Here's an overview:

What can you do with the Google News API?

  1. Search for news articles: Use the API to search for news articles by keyword, topic, or date range.
  2. Retrieve news articles: Get the full text of news articles, including headlines, summaries, and links to the original sources.
  3. Get news metadata: Retrieve metadata about news articles, such as publication dates, authors, and categories.
  4. Filter and sort results: Use filters and sorting options to refine your search results and retrieve the most relevant news articles.

How to use the Google News API

  1. Sign up for a Google Cloud account: Create a Google Cloud account and enable the Google News API.
  2. Get an API key: Obtain an API key from the Google Cloud Console.
  3. Use the API: Use the API to search for news articles, retrieve metadata, and filter/sort results.

API endpoints and parameters

Here are some of the key API endpoints and parameters:

  1. /v1/search: Search for news articles by keyword, topic, or date range.
    • q: Search query (required)
    • dateRange: Date range (optional)
    • language: Language (optional)
  2. /v1/articles: Retrieve news articles by ID or URL.
    • id: Article ID (required)
    • url: Article URL (required)
  3. /v1/sources: Retrieve metadata about news sources.
    • id: Source ID (required)
    • name: Source name (optional)

API limitations and pricing

The Google News API has some limitations and pricing tiers:

  1. Free tier: 100 requests per day, with a maximum of 10 articles per request.
  2. Paid tier: Additional requests and articles available for a fee.
  3. Usage limits: 10,000 requests per day, with a maximum of 1,000 articles per request.

Best practices and tips

  1. Use the API responsibly: Respect the terms of service and avoid excessive usage.
  2. Crawl responsibly: Follow Google's guidelines for web crawling and scraping.
  3. Test and validate: Test your API requests and validate the responses to ensure accuracy.


The Google News API is a powerful tool for developers to access news articles and metadata. By following the guidelines and best practices, you can use the API to build innovative applications and services that provide value to users.