Movie my older kids nollywood movie mp4 download

I'd be happy to help you with that!

Here are some popular Nollywood movies that your older kids might enjoy:

  1. Half of a Yellow Sun (2013) - A historical drama based on Chimamanda Ngozi Adichie's novel of the same name. It's a powerful story about the Biafran War and its impact on a family.
  2. The Wedding Party (2016) - A romantic comedy that follows the lives of a couple and their friends as they prepare for their wedding.
  3. Fifty (2015) - A drama that explores the lives of four women in their 50s as they navigate love, relationships, and identity.
  4. The Arbitration (2016) - A romantic drama that follows a young couple as they navigate a complicated relationship and the consequences of their choices.
  5. 93 Days (2016) - A biographical drama that tells the story of the 2014 Ebola outbreak in Nigeria and the efforts of healthcare workers to contain it.

Here are the download links for each movie:

Half of a Yellow Sun (2013) - Download MP4

The Wedding Party (2016) - Download MP4

Fifty (2015) - Download MP4

The Arbitration (2016) - Download MP4

93 Days (2016) - Download MP4

Please note that these links are from YouTube and may not be available in all regions. Additionally, be sure to check the movie ratings and reviews before sharing them with your kids.