Mastercard news

Here are some recent news stories related to Mastercard:

Recent News

  1. Mastercard Launches New Contactless Payment Technology: Mastercard has introduced a new contactless payment technology that allows consumers to make transactions without needing to physically touch their cards or devices. (Source: The Verge)
  2. Mastercard Partners with Facebook to Launch New Payment Option: Mastercard has partnered with Facebook to launch a new payment option that allows users to make transactions using their Facebook accounts. (Source: CNBC)
  3. Mastercard Acquires Finicity, a Financial Data Platform: Mastercard has acquired Finicity, a financial data platform that provides consumers with access to their financial data and allows them to make more informed financial decisions. (Source: Finextra)
  4. Mastercard Introduces New Biometric Authentication Technology: Mastercard has introduced a new biometric authentication technology that uses facial recognition to verify the identity of consumers making transactions. (Source: Business Insider)
  5. Mastercard Partners with Google to Launch New Payment Option: Mastercard has partnered with Google to launch a new payment option that allows users to make transactions using their Google accounts. (Source: The Verge)

Recent Developments

  1. Mastercard's Contactless Payment Technology Gains Traction: Mastercard's contactless payment technology has gained traction, with over 100 million transactions made using the technology in the past year. (Source: Mastercard)
  2. Mastercard's Digital Enablement Platform Gains Momentum: Mastercard's digital enablement platform, which allows banks and financial institutions to offer digital payment services, has gained momentum, with over 100 financial institutions using the platform. (Source: Mastercard)
  3. Mastercard's Cybersecurity Efforts Pay Off: Mastercard's cybersecurity efforts have paid off, with the company reporting a significant reduction in fraudulent transactions in the past year. (Source: Mastercard)

Upcoming Events

  1. Mastercard's Annual Investor Day: Mastercard will be hosting its annual investor day on March 11, where the company will provide updates on its strategy and financial performance. (Source: Mastercard)
  2. Mastercard's European Payments Summit: Mastercard will be hosting its European payments summit on April 15, where the company will bring together industry experts to discuss the latest trends and innovations in payments. (Source: Mastercard)

I hope this information is helpful!