Latest news on asuu strike 2022 today

As of my knowledge cutoff, the ASUU strike is still ongoing in Nigeria. Here are some of the latest updates:

Latest Updates (as of March 2022)

  1. ASUU Strike Enters 7th Week: The Academic Staff Union of Universities (ASUU) strike has entered its 7th week, with no end in sight. The strike began on February 14, 2022, over issues such as funding, infrastructure, and the implementation of the 2009 FGN-ASUU agreement.
  2. FG-ASUU Meeting Fails to Yield Results: A meeting between the Federal Government and ASUU on March 7, 2022, failed to yield any significant progress. The meeting was aimed at resolving the outstanding issues, but both parties could not agree on a way forward.
  3. Students Suffer as Strike Continues: The ongoing strike has caused significant disruptions to academic activities, with students unable to attend classes or access their campuses. Many students have been forced to stay at home, with some seeking alternative means of learning online.
  4. ASUU Threatens to Embark on Indefinite Strike: In a statement on March 10, 2022, ASUU threatened to embark on an indefinite strike if the government fails to meet its demands. The union accused the government of not taking their demands seriously and of trying to undermine their efforts.
  5. Nigerian Universities Suffer as Strike Continues: The ongoing strike has had a significant impact on Nigerian universities, with many institutions struggling to maintain academic activities. The strike has also affected research and innovation, with many projects and collaborations put on hold.

Key Demands of ASUU

  1. Renegotiation of 2009 FGN-ASUU Agreement: ASUU is demanding a renegotiation of the 2009 agreement, which it claims has not been fully implemented.
  2. Funding for Universities: The union is seeking increased funding for universities to enable them to provide quality education and infrastructure.
  3. Implementation of University Autonomy: ASUU is demanding the implementation of university autonomy, which it claims will enable universities to manage their affairs independently.
  4. Improved Conditions of Service: The union is seeking improved conditions of service for its members, including better salaries and benefits.

Key Demands of the Federal Government

  1. Implementation of 2009 FGN-ASUU Agreement: The government is seeking the implementation of the 2009 agreement, which it claims has already been implemented.
  2. Increased Funding for Education: The government is offering to increase funding for education, but ASUU is demanding more significant increases.
  3. Reforms to University Governance: The government is seeking reforms to university governance, which ASUU opposes.

I hope this information is helpful. Please note that the situation is subject to change, and I recommend checking with reliable sources for the latest updates.