Induction list for new employees

Here is a comprehensive induction list for new employees:


  1. Welcome Email: Send a welcome email to the new employee with essential information such as:
    • Job description and responsibilities
    • Start date and time
    • Contact information for HR and supervisor
    • Company policies and procedures
  2. Employee Handbook: Provide the new employee with a copy of the company's employee handbook, which should include:
    • Company history and mission
    • Employee benefits and policies
    • Code of conduct and ethics
    • Confidentiality and non-disclosure agreements
  3. IT Setup: Ensure that the new employee's IT equipment is set up and ready for use, including:
    • Computer and software
    • Email account
    • Phone and voicemail
    • Access to company networks and systems

Induction Day

  1. Welcome and Introduction: Welcome the new employee and introduce them to the team, including:
    • Supervisor or manager
    • Colleagues and department heads
    • HR representative
  2. Company Tour: Provide a tour of the company premises, including:
    • Office layout and facilities
    • Meeting rooms and conference facilities
    • Break rooms and cafeteria
  3. Job-Specific Training: Provide job-specific training and orientation, including:
    • Job responsibilities and expectations
    • Key performance indicators (KPIs)
    • Procedures and protocols
    • Safety and security procedures
  4. Company Policies and Procedures: Review company policies and procedures with the new employee, including:
    • Attendance and punctuality
    • Leave and holidays
    • Confidentiality and data protection
    • Health and safety
  5. IT Training: Provide IT training and support, including:
    • Software and system training
    • Email and phone setup
    • Access to company networks and systems
  6. Meetings and Introductions: Arrange meetings with key stakeholders, including:
    • Supervisor or manager
    • Colleagues and department heads
    • HR representative
    • Other relevant team members


  1. Check-Ins: Schedule regular check-ins with the new employee to:
    • Monitor progress and provide feedback
    • Address any questions or concerns
    • Provide additional training or support as needed
  2. Ongoing Training and Development: Provide ongoing training and development opportunities, including:
    • Job-specific training and coaching
    • Professional development and career planning
    • Cross-training and skill-building
  3. Feedback and Evaluation: Encourage feedback and evaluation from the new employee, including:
    • Regular feedback sessions
    • Performance evaluations and reviews
    • Suggestions and ideas for improvement

Additional Tips

  1. Make it Personal: Tailor the induction process to the individual needs and preferences of the new employee.
  2. Keep it Engaging: Make the induction process engaging and interactive, including games, quizzes, and team-building activities.
  3. Provide Resources: Provide new employees with resources and support, including a buddy system, mentorship program, and access to company experts.
  4. Monitor Progress: Monitor the progress of new employees and provide feedback and support as needed.
  5. Celebrate Successes: Celebrate the successes and achievements of new employees, including milestones and accomplishments.

Remember, a comprehensive induction program is essential for ensuring that new employees feel welcome, supported, and equipped to succeed in their new role.