I need a new hairstyle

Exciting! I'd be happy to help you find a new hairstyle that suits your face shape, hair type, and personal style.

To get started, can you please tell me:

  1. What is your current hair length and style?
  2. What is your face shape (oval, round, square, heart-shaped, diamond)?
  3. What is your hair type (straight, curly, wavy, fine, thick, dry, oily)?
  4. Do you have any hair concerns (e.g. frizz, flyaways, lack of volume)?
  5. Are there any hairstyles or celebrities that you're drawn to or inspired by?
  6. Do you have a preferred level of maintenance for your hairstyle (e.g. low, medium, high)?
  7. Are you open to trying a new color or highlighting style, or do you prefer to stick with your current color?

Feel free to add any additional information that you think might be helpful for me to know. I'll do my best to provide you with some personalized hairstyle recommendations!