Housing deficit shelter afrique to invest 180m in nigeria

That's a significant investment! Here's a breakdown of the news:

Housing Deficit Shelter Africa to invest $180m in Nigeria

Housing Deficit Shelter Africa, a leading real estate development company, has announced plans to invest $180 million in Nigeria's housing sector. This investment is expected to help address the country's severe housing deficit, which is estimated to be over 17 million units.


Nigeria's housing sector has been plagued by a severe shortage of affordable housing, leading to a significant demand-supply gap. The country's population is growing rapidly, and the need for decent and affordable housing is becoming increasingly urgent. The government has been working to address this issue, but private sector investment is also crucial to bridge the gap.

Investment plans

Housing Deficit Shelter Africa plans to invest the $180 million in various housing projects across Nigeria, including:

  1. Affordable housing: The company will develop affordable housing units for low- and middle-income individuals and families.
  2. Luxury housing: The company will also develop luxury housing units for high-income individuals and families.
  3. Mixed-use developments: The company will develop mixed-use projects that combine residential, commercial, and recreational spaces.


This investment is expected to have a significant impact on Nigeria's housing sector, including:

  1. Increased housing supply: The investment will help increase the supply of housing units in Nigeria, reducing the demand-supply gap.
  2. Job creation: The construction of new housing units will create jobs for thousands of people, including construction workers, architects, engineers, and other professionals.
  3. Economic growth: The investment will also contribute to Nigeria's economic growth by stimulating the construction industry and creating new opportunities for businesses and entrepreneurs.


Housing Deficit Shelter Africa's $180 million investment in Nigeria's housing sector is a significant step towards addressing the country's housing deficit. The investment is expected to have a positive impact on the housing sector, the economy, and the lives of millions of Nigerians.