Google news publisher help

Google News Publisher Help!

As a news publisher, you're likely interested in getting your content indexed and displayed in Google News. Here are some helpful resources and tips to get you started:

Getting Started

  1. Verify your website: Ensure your website is verified with Google Search Console. This will help you monitor your website's performance and receive notifications about any issues.
  2. Create a Google News sitemap: A sitemap helps Google understand your website's structure and content. You can create a sitemap using Google's Sitemap Generator tool.
  3. Submit your website to Google News: Fill out the Google News application form and submit your website for review. Make sure to provide accurate and complete information.

Optimizing Your Content

  1. Use relevant keywords: Include keywords related to your news story in your article's title, meta description, and content.
  2. Use a clear and concise title: Make sure your article title accurately reflects the content and is easy to read.
  3. Write a compelling meta description: Your meta description should entice users to click on your article and provide a brief summary of the content.
  4. Use high-quality images: Include relevant and high-quality images to make your content more engaging and shareable.
  5. Use internal linking: Link to other relevant articles on your website to help users navigate and find more content.

Troubleshooting Common Issues

  1. Content not showing up in Google News: Check your website's sitemap, meta tags, and content quality. Ensure your website is verified with Google Search Console and that you've submitted your website to Google News.
  2. Duplicate content issues: Check for duplicate content on your website and ensure that each article has a unique URL.
  3. Content not being crawled: Check your website's crawl errors in Google Search Console and ensure that your website is not blocked by robots.txt.

Additional Resources

  1. Google News Help Center: The official Google News Help Center provides detailed information on how to get your content indexed and displayed in Google News.
  2. Google News Publisher Guidelines: Familiarize yourself with Google's guidelines for news publishers, including requirements for content quality, accuracy, and transparency.
  3. Google News Support Forum: The Google News Support Forum is a great resource for asking questions and getting help from other news publishers and Google experts.

I hope these resources and tips help you get started with Google News!