Gilmour vows to prove hes not just a passenger at chelsea

It seems like you're referring to Ben Gilmour, a talented young footballer who has recently joined Chelsea FC. He's made a bold statement, vowing to prove that he's not just a passenger at the club.

For those who may not know, being a "passenger" is a term used to describe a player who doesn't contribute significantly to the team's performance, often due to a lack of playing time, injuries, or simply not being able to make an impact on the pitch.

Gilmour, who has already shown his skills in the youth ranks and made his professional debut for Chelsea, is determined to prove himself as a valuable asset to the team. He's likely aware that the competition for places in the Chelsea squad is fierce, and he'll need to work hard to establish himself as a regular starter.

It's great to see young players like Gilmour setting high standards for themselves and striving to make a difference. With his talent, dedication, and determination, he might just be able to silence his critics and prove that he's more than just a passenger at Chelsea.

What do you think about Gilmour's vow? Do you think he has what it takes to make a significant impact at Chelsea?