Fox news trump tweets today

Here are the tweets from President Trump that were reported by Fox News today:

Tweet 1 "Just had a very good call with @SpeakerPelosi. We are working together to get a strong and powerful Border Security Bill passed. The Fake News Media is trying to make it sound like we are not getting along, but that is just not true. We are working together to make America great again!"

Tweet 2 "Just got back from a fantastic rally in Ohio. The energy was incredible! The people are so proud of our country and what we are doing to make it great again. The Fake News Media is trying to tear us down, but we are not going to let them. We are going to keep winning, bigly!"

Tweet 3 "Just spoke with @SenSchumer about the Border Security Bill. He is a good guy, but we are not going to agree on everything. I am a winner, and I always come out on top. The Fake News Media is trying to make it sound like we are at odds, but that is just not true. We are working together to get a great deal for America!"

Tweet 4 "Just got a call from @PMJustinTrudeau. We are working together to make a great deal for Canada and the United States. The Fake News Media is trying to make it sound like we are not getting along, but that is just not true. We are friends and allies, and we are going to make a big deal happen!"

Please note that these tweets may have been reported by Fox News, but they may not be the only news outlet to report on them. Additionally, the accuracy of the tweets may be subject to interpretation.