Forex daily news fundamental analysis

Here are some key daily news and fundamental analysis points for the Forex market:

Economic Indicators:

  1. US GDP (Q1): The US GDP report for the first quarter is expected to show a growth rate of 2.3%, slightly higher than the previous quarter's 2.1%. A strong GDP reading could boost the US dollar.
  2. Eurozone Inflation Rate (Apr): The Eurozone inflation rate is expected to remain steady at 1.2%, which could keep the European Central Bank (ECB) on hold with interest rates.
  3. UK Retail Sales (Apr): UK retail sales are expected to show a decline of 0.3% MoM, which could weigh on the British pound.
  4. Australian Employment Change (Apr): Australia's employment report is expected to show a gain of 15,000 jobs, which could support the Australian dollar.

Central Bank Decisions:

  1. ECB Interest Rate Decision: The ECB is expected to keep interest rates unchanged, but the tone of the statement could influence the euro.
  2. BoJ Interest Rate Decision: The Bank of Japan (BoJ) is expected to keep interest rates unchanged, but the market will be watching for any changes to the BoJ's monetary policy stance.

Geopolitical News:

  1. US-China Trade Talks: The US and China are set to resume trade talks, with the market watching for any progress on a trade deal.
  2. Brexit Developments: The UK and EU are set to hold a crucial meeting to discuss the next steps in the Brexit process.

Market Analysis:

  1. USD Strength: The US dollar has been gaining strength in recent days, driven by a combination of factors including a strong jobs report and rising interest rates.
  2. EUR Weakness: The euro has been under pressure due to concerns over the European economy and the ECB's monetary policy stance.
  3. GBP Volatility: The British pound has been experiencing high volatility due to the ongoing Brexit uncertainty.

Technical Analysis:

  1. USD/JPY: The USD/JPY pair has been trading in a tight range, with the market watching for a breakout above 112.00 or below 110.00.
  2. EUR/USD: The EUR/USD pair has been trending lower, with the market watching for a test of the 1.1000 level.
  3. GBP/USD: The GBP/USD pair has been experiencing high volatility, with the market watching for a breakout above 1.3000 or below 1.2500.

Key Levels:

  1. USD/JPY: 112.00, 110.00
  2. EUR/USD: 1.1000, 1.1200
  3. GBP/USD: 1.3000, 1.2500

Market Sentiment:

  1. Risk Appetite: Market sentiment remains cautious, with investors watching for any signs of a trade deal between the US and China.
  2. Volatility: Market volatility remains high, driven by the ongoing uncertainty surrounding the Brexit process and the US-China trade tensions.

These are just some of the key daily news and fundamental analysis points for the Forex market. It's always important to stay up-to-date with the latest news and market developments to make informed trading decisions.