Fg stops deduction of state loans

It seems like you're referring to the recent news about FG stopping the deduction of state loans.

For those who may not be aware, the Federal Government (FG) has announced that it will no longer deduct state loans from the Federation Account. This decision was made to alleviate the financial burden on states and enable them to manage their finances more effectively.

According to reports, the FG had been deducting state loans from the Federation Account, which is the primary source of revenue for states. This deduction was reportedly used to service the debts of states that had borrowed from the FG.

However, the FG has now decided to stop this deduction, effective immediately. This move is expected to provide relief to states that were struggling to manage their finances due to the deduction.

It's worth noting that this decision may have implications for the overall financial management of the country. Some experts have expressed concerns that the FG's decision may lead to a surge in borrowing by states, which could exacerbate the country's debt crisis.

What are your thoughts on this development? Do you think it's a good move by the FG, or do you have concerns about its implications?