Fabion de disciple 801t ft king don x dasieamapiano mix

It seems like you're looking for a specific song or mix!

The song you're referring to is likely "Fabion De Disciple 801T ft King Don X Dasie - Amapiano Mix". Amapiano is a popular South African music genre that originated in the 2010s.

Here's what I found:

The mix you're referring to is probably a DJ mix that combines the original track with other amapiano beats and rhythms. Amapiano mixes often feature a blend of deep house, jazz, and Afrobeat elements, with a focus on percussion and bass.

If you're looking to listen to the song or mix, you can try searching for it on music streaming platforms like Spotify, Apple Music, or YouTube Music. You can also try searching for the artists' official social media channels or websites to see if they have uploaded the track or mix.

Let me know if you need any more help or have any other questions!