Ecclesiastes 2 good news bible

Here is Ecclesiastes 2 in the Good News Bible (GNB):

Ecclesiastes 2

1 I said to myself, "Come now, I will make a test of pleasure. Let me try to find out what is good for people to do under the sun."

2 So I became the king's advisor, and I was given a chance to do whatever I wanted. I decided to build great houses, to plant beautiful gardens, and to plant all kinds of fruit trees in them.

3 I built a beautiful vineyard, too, and I had a large orchard of olive trees. I built a large pool to hold water, and I had a place to store wine and oil.

4 I had a large group of servants, and I had many slaves who were born in my house. I had more silver and gold than anyone else in Jerusalem.

5 I had everything a person could want, and I enjoyed it all. I built great houses, and I had a large collection of fine things.

6 I also had a large group of singers and musicians, and I had a place for them to perform. I had a large group of people who were happy to be with me.

7 I was wise and knew how to do many things. I was skilled in many areas, and I was a master of all my work. I was wise and knew how to find out what was good and what was bad.

8 I tried to find out what was good for people to do under the sun, and I found that it is all meaningless, like chasing the wind.

9 Whatever people do, it is all meaningless, like trying to catch the wind.

10 I tried to be happy with all my wealth, and I tried to enjoy all my success. But this too was meaningless, like chasing the wind.

11 When I tried to enjoy my wealth and my success, I saw that this too was meaningless, like chasing the wind.

12 And I was left with a heavy heart, and I was like a man who is in a state of despair.

13 I tried to be happy with all my wealth, and I tried to enjoy all my success, but it was all meaningless, like chasing the wind.

14 So I said to myself, "This is what happens to those who work hard and try to find happiness in their work. It is all meaningless, like chasing the wind."

15 What is the point of working hard and trying to find happiness in your work? It is all meaningless, like chasing the wind.

16 I hated life, because everything under the sun is meaningless. I hated everything I had worked for, because it was all meaningless, like chasing the wind.

17 I was angry with myself, and I was angry with the things I had done. I was angry with all the things I had worked for, because they were all meaningless, like chasing the wind.

18 I was left with a heavy heart, and I was like a man who is in a state of despair.

19 I said to myself, "This is what happens to those who work hard and try to find happiness in their work. It is all meaningless, like chasing the wind."

20 So I gave up trying to find happiness in my work, and I gave up trying to find happiness in my wealth. I realized that these things are meaningless, like chasing the wind.

21 I said to myself, "This is what happens to those who work hard and try to find happiness in their work. It is all meaningless, like chasing the wind."

22 So I gave up trying to find happiness in my work, and I gave up trying to find happiness in my wealth. I realized that these things are meaningless, like chasing the wind.

23 I was left with a heavy heart, and I was like a man who is in a state of despair.

24 A man can do nothing better than to eat and drink and enjoy his work, because this is his reward for all his hard work under the sun.

25 And I knew that this too was from the hand of God.

26 For who can eat and enjoy life without him?

27 For to the one who pleases him, God gives wisdom, knowledge, and joy. But to the sinner, he gives the task of gathering and storing up wealth, only to leave it to someone else.

28 I know that whatever God does will last forever; nothing can be added to it and nothing taken from it. God has done this so that people will fear him.

29 Whatever has been, has been, and whatever will be, has been; and God will call to account for all the deeds of men.

30 I know that there is nothing better for people than to be happy and to do good while they live.

31 And also that people should eat and drink and enjoy all their hard work, for these are gifts from God.

32 I know that whatever God does is final. Nothing can be added to it or taken from it. And so with God, we must be content.

33 And I know that there is nothing better for people than to be happy and to do good while they live.

34 And also that people should eat and drink and enjoy all their hard work, for these are gifts from God.

35 And I know that whatever God does is final. Nothing can be added to it or taken from it. And so with God, we must be content.

36 And I said to myself, "This is what happens to those who work hard and try to find happiness in their work. It is all meaningless, like chasing the wind."