Download lenny leblanc father knows best mp3video lyrics

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Lenny LeBlanc - "Father Knows Best"

MP3 Download: You can download the MP3 file of "Father Knows Best" by Lenny LeBlanc from various online music stores or streaming platforms. Here are a few options:

  1. iTunes: You can purchase and download the song from iTunes by searching for "Lenny LeBlanc - Father Knows Best".
  2. Amazon Music: You can download the song from Amazon Music by searching for "Lenny LeBlanc - Father Knows Best".
  3. Google Play Music: You can purchase and download the song from Google Play Music by searching for "Lenny LeBlanc - Father Knows Best".

Video: If you're looking for the official music video of "Father Knows Best" by Lenny LeBlanc, you can find it on YouTube or other video streaming platforms. Here's the link:

YouTube Video:

Lyrics: Here are the lyrics to "Father Knows Best" by Lenny LeBlanc:

Verse 1: I remember the days when I was young My daddy would tell me what was right and wrong He'd say "Son, I know you're gonna make some mistakes" But he'd always be there to help me find my way

Chorus: Father knows best, he's always right He's the one who guides me through the night Father knows best, he's always true He's the one who loves me, and sees me through

Verse 2: He'd take me fishing, and we'd talk about life He'd teach me how to be a man, and how to be a wife He'd say "Son, I know you're gonna make some mistakes" But he'd always be there to help me find my way

Chorus: Father knows best, he's always right He's the one who guides me through the night Father knows best, he's always true He's the one who loves me, and sees me through

Bridge: Now I'm a father, and I'm trying to be The kind of dad that my daddy was to me I want my kids to know, that I'm always here To guide them through the ups and downs of life, and wipe away their tears

Chorus: Father knows best, he's always right He's the one who guides me through the night Father knows best, he's always true He's the one who loves me, and sees me through