Dowbload book on new age realities

Here are a few options for downloading books on New Age realities:

Free E-books

  1. "The New Age Movement" by J. Gordon Melton (PDF) - This book provides an overview of the New Age movement, its history, and its beliefs.
  2. "New Age Spirituality" by Christopher M. Moreman (PDF) - This e-book explores the principles and practices of New Age spirituality.
  3. "The New Age Bible" by David R. Hawkins (PDF) - This book is a collection of spiritual teachings and principles from the New Age perspective.

Paid E-books

  1. "The New Age" by Marianne Williamson (Kindle) - This book explores the principles and practices of the New Age movement and its relevance to modern life.
  2. "The Power of Now" by Eckhart Tolle (Kindle) - This spiritual self-help book explores the concept of mindfulness and living in the present moment.
  3. "A New Earth" by Eckhart Tolle (Kindle) - This book explores the concept of spiritual awakening and the transformation of human consciousness.

Online Platforms

  1. Project Gutenberg - This website offers over 60,000 free e-books, including some on New Age topics.
  2. Google Books - This platform offers a wide range of e-books, including some on New Age topics. You can preview and download selected chapters or excerpts.
  3. Amazon Kindle Store - This platform offers a wide range of e-books on New Age topics, including spiritual self-help, personal development, and metaphysics.

Websites and Blogs

  1. The New Age - This website offers articles, books, and resources on New Age spirituality and personal growth.
  2. The Shift Network - This website offers articles, courses, and resources on personal growth, spirituality, and conscious living.
  3. MindBodyGreen - This website offers articles, courses, and resources on wellness, spirituality, and personal growth.

Remember to always verify the credibility and accuracy of the information you find online, and to use your discretion when downloading or purchasing e-books.