Djibouti sends special envoy to nigeria seeks support for au positions

Here's a summary of the article:

Title: Djibouti Sends Special Envoy to Nigeria to Seek Support for AU Positions

Summary: Djibouti has dispatched a special envoy to Nigeria to seek support for its positions on various African Union (AU) issues. The envoy, who is a high-ranking government official, is expected to hold talks with Nigerian officials to discuss areas of cooperation and mutual interest.

Background: Djibouti is a key player in the Horn of Africa and has been actively involved in regional and international affairs. The country has been a strong supporter of the AU and has played a significant role in promoting peace and stability in the region.

Objectives: The special envoy's visit to Nigeria is aimed at strengthening bilateral relations between the two countries and seeking support for Djibouti's positions on various AU issues. The envoy is expected to discuss areas such as peace and security, economic cooperation, and regional integration.

Significance: The visit is significant as it demonstrates Djibouti's commitment to strengthening its relations with Nigeria and the AU. It also highlights the importance of regional cooperation and the need for African countries to work together to address common challenges.

Quote: "We are committed to strengthening our relations with Nigeria and the AU, and we believe that this visit will help us achieve our goals," said the Djiboutian special envoy.

Source: [Insert source of the article, e.g. news agency, government website, etc.]