Breaking melayes recall battle shifts acourt inec withdraws motion substituted service #comments

It appears that you've shared a news article or update about a recall battle involving a Malaysian politician, Melaleuca (I assume it's actually Melayu, which is the Malay word for "Malay" or "Malaysian", and not a type of plant).

Here's a breakdown of the key points:

  1. Breaking news: The recall battle involving Melaleuca (Melayu) has taken a new turn.
  2. Recall battle: There is an ongoing effort to recall Melaleuca, likely a Malaysian politician, from office.
  3. Shifts to court: The recall battle has shifted to the court, indicating that the matter is now being handled through legal proceedings.
  4. INEC withdraws motion: The Independent National Electoral Commission (INEC) has withdrawn its motion, which suggests that the commission is no longer pursuing a particular course of action in the recall battle.
  5. Substituted service: The article mentions "substituted service", which is a legal term that refers to the process of serving legal documents, such as court papers, to a party in a case when the usual method of service is not possible or practical.

Without more context, it's difficult to provide further insights or analysis. If you'd like to know more about the recall battle or the legal proceedings involved, please feel free to provide additional information or clarify any specific questions you may have!