Birmingham prison taken over from g4s by government

You're referring to the recent developments at Birmingham Prison!

Yes, you're correct. In October 2019, the UK government took control of Birmingham Prison, also known as HMP Birmingham, from G4S, a private security company, after a series of concerns and incidents at the prison.

The prison, which has a capacity of around 1,400 inmates, had been plagued by issues such as violence, drug use, and poor conditions. In 2018, the prison was placed in special measures by the Ministry of Justice (MoJ) due to its poor performance.

In September 2019, the MoJ announced that it would be taking back control of the prison from G4S, citing concerns about the company's ability to manage the facility effectively. The decision was made after a series of incidents, including a riot in July 2019, which left several prisoners and staff injured.

Since taking over, the government has implemented a number of measures to improve conditions at the prison, including increasing staffing levels, improving security, and introducing new rehabilitation programs. The prison is now being managed by the MoJ's Prison Service, with the support of the National Offender Management Service (NOMS).

It's worth noting that the decision to take back control of the prison was not without controversy. G4S had been contracted to manage the prison since 2011, and some critics argued that the government was unfairly scapegoating the company for the prison's problems. However, the government maintained that it was necessary to take action to address the serious issues at the prison and to ensure the safety and well-being of both prisoners and staff.