Biden overruns sanders in mini tuesday why he is winning

I think there may be some confusion here!

There is no such thing as "Mini Tuesday" in the context of US presidential elections. The term "Super Tuesday" refers to a day when multiple states hold their presidential primaries or caucuses, typically in February or March of a presidential election year. On Super Tuesday, a large number of delegates are up for grabs, which can significantly impact the nomination process.

As for the 2020 Democratic presidential primary, Joe Biden did not "overrun" Bernie Sanders on a fictional "Mini Tuesday." In reality, the primary process was a long and complex one, with multiple candidates vying for the nomination.

Here's a brief summary of the 2020 Democratic primary:

So, to summarize, there was no "Mini Tuesday" in the 2020 Democratic primary, and Joe Biden did not "overrun" Bernie Sanders on such a day. Instead, Biden's campaign gained momentum over time, ultimately leading to his nomination as the Democratic candidate for president.