Best message to send to new friend

The art of crafting the perfect message to send to a new friend!

Here are some tips and ideas to help you get started:

  1. Keep it light and casual: You want to come across as friendly and approachable, not too formal or overwhelming.
  2. Reference your shared experience or interest: If you met through a common activity or interest, mention it to show you're thinking about the connection you made.
  3. Ask a question or show genuine interest: Encourage the other person to respond by asking a question or expressing genuine interest in getting to know them better.
  4. Keep it short and sweet: Aim for a message that's 1-2 sentences long. You don't want to overwhelm the other person with too much information.

Here are some examples of great messages to send to a new friend:

Example 1: Simple and friendly

"Hey [Name], it was great meeting you at [event/activity]! How's your week going so far?"

Example 2: Reference shared interest

"Hi [Name], I saw your post about [shared interest] and thought it was really cool! Have you tried [related activity]?"

Example 3: Ask a question

"Hey [Name], how was your weekend? Did you do anything fun or exciting?"

Example 4: Show genuine interest

"Hi [Name], I loved chatting with you at [event]! What do you like to do in your free time?"

Example 5: Add a personal touch

"Hey [Name], I was thinking about our conversation the other day and wanted to follow up. How's your [project/goal] coming along?"

Remember to always be respectful, considerate, and genuine in your message. You want to build a positive and friendly connection with your new friend!