Author kolade page 3

I'm assuming you're referring to Kolade Johnson, a Nigerian author. Here's some information about him:

Kolade Johnson

Kolade Johnson is a Nigerian author, poet, and literary critic. He was born in 1964 in Lagos, Nigeria. Johnson holds a Bachelor's degree in English from the University of Lagos and a Master's degree in English from the University of Ibadan.

Notable Works

  1. "The Wounded World" (2001) - This is Johnson's debut novel, which explores themes of identity, culture, and social justice in post-colonial Nigeria.
  2. "The Last Days of a Dictator" (2005) - This novel is a historical fiction that tells the story of Nigeria's transition from military rule to democracy.
  3. "The House of the Dead" (2010) - This novel is a psychological thriller that explores themes of trauma, memory, and the human condition.

Awards and Recognition

Kolade Johnson has received several awards and recognition for his literary works, including:

Teaching and Academic Career

Johnson has taught English literature and creative writing at several universities in Nigeria, including the University of Lagos and the University of Ibadan. He has also served as a literary critic and reviewer for various Nigerian newspapers and magazines.

I hope this information helps!