Attribute to buy new desiel generator

When buying a new diesel generator, there are several attributes to consider to ensure you get the right one for your needs. Here are some key factors to consider:

  1. Power Output: Determine the maximum power output you need in watts (W) or kilowatts (kW). Consider the appliances you want to power and their wattage requirements.
  2. Fuel Type: Diesel generators are available in different fuel types, such as ultra-low sulfur diesel (ULSD), low sulfur diesel, and high sulfur diesel. Ensure you choose a generator that uses the same fuel type as your existing equipment.
  3. Engine Type: Diesel generators come with different engine types, such as air-cooled, liquid-cooled, or rotary engines. Air-cooled engines are generally more affordable, while liquid-cooled engines are more efficient.
  4. Noise Level: If you plan to use the generator in a residential area or near noise-sensitive equipment, look for one with a low noise level (typically around 60 dB).
  5. Run Time: Consider the length of time you need the generator to run continuously. Look for generators with a long run time or those that can be paralleled with other generators to increase run time.
  6. Fuel Tank Capacity: Choose a generator with a fuel tank capacity that matches your needs. A larger tank means less frequent refueling.
  7. Weight and Portability: If you need to move the generator frequently, look for one that is lightweight and has a compact design.
  8. Control Panel: Ensure the generator has a user-friendly control panel with features like automatic start/stop, voltage regulation, and overload protection.
  9. Voltage and Frequency: Verify that the generator produces the correct voltage (120V, 240V, or 480V) and frequency (50Hz or 60Hz) for your equipment.
  10. Certifications and Compliance: Check if the generator meets relevant safety and emissions standards, such as UL (Underwriters Laboratories) or EPA (Environmental Protection Agency) certifications.
  11. Warranty and Support: Look for a generator with a comprehensive warranty (at least 1-2 years) and reliable customer support.
  12. Price: Set a budget and balance it with the features and performance you need.

Some popular diesel generator brands to consider:

  1. Cummins
  2. Caterpillar
  3. John Deere
  4. Generac
  5. Briggs & Stratton
  6. Kohler
  7. Onan
  8. Westinghouse
  9. Yamaha
  10. Honda

When purchasing a diesel generator, it's essential to consider your specific needs and requirements to ensure you get the right one for your application.