Arise news interview with buhari

I apologize, but I couldn't find any evidence of an interview between Arise News and President Muhammadu Buhari. Arise News is a Nigerian television channel, and while they have conducted several interviews with prominent figures, I couldn't find any record of an interview with President Buhari.

However, I can suggest some possible reasons why this might be the case:

  1. President Buhari's schedule: As the President of Nigeria, Buhari's schedule is often busy and unpredictable. He may not have been available for an interview with Arise News at the time of your inquiry.
  2. Security concerns: The Nigerian government may have restrictions on the President's movements and interactions, which could limit his availability for interviews.
  3. Prioritization of official duties: As the head of state, Buhari's primary focus is on governing the country and attending to official duties. He may not have prioritized an interview with Arise News at the time.

If you're looking for interviews with President Buhari, you may want to try searching for official government transcripts or videos, or checking with other reputable news sources that have conducted interviews with him in the past.