Apc news in calabar

APC News in Calabar!

As the capital city of Cross River State, Calabar is a significant hub for news and updates from the All Progressives Congress (APC). Here are some recent news and updates from the APC in Calabar:

Latest News

  1. APC Primaries: Calabar Senatorial District - The APC has concluded its senatorial primaries in Calabar, with Senator John Owan Enoh emerging as the party's candidate for the Cross River Central Senatorial District. (Source: Vanguard)
  2. APC Guber Aspirant, Owan Enoh, Visits Calabar - Senator John Owan Enoh, a governorship aspirant of the APC, has visited Calabar to solicit support from party members and stakeholders ahead of the 2023 governorship election. (Source: The Nation)
  3. APC Youths Endorse Owan Enoh for Governor - The APC Youth Wing in Calabar has endorsed Senator John Owan Enoh as their preferred candidate for the 2023 governorship election. (Source: Leadership)

Recent Updates

  1. APC Calabar Chapter Elects New Exco - The APC Calabar Chapter has elected a new executive committee, with Mr. Bassey Etim as the Chairman. (Source: The Guardian)
  2. APC Calabar Senatorial District Holds Stakeholders' Meeting - The APC Calabar Senatorial District has held a stakeholders' meeting to discuss the party's plans and strategies ahead of the 2023 general elections. (Source: Daily Trust)
  3. APC Calabar Guber Aspirant, Owan Enoh, Meets Party Members - Senator John Owan Enoh, a governorship aspirant of the APC, has met with party members in Calabar to discuss his vision and plans for the state. (Source: This Day)

Upcoming Events

  1. APC Calabar Senatorial District Congress - The APC Calabar Senatorial District is set to hold a congress to elect its senatorial candidate for the 2023 general elections. (Source: The Punch)
  2. APC Calabar Guber Aspirant, Owan Enoh, to Visit Calabar - Senator John Owan Enoh, a governorship aspirant of the APC, is set to visit Calabar to campaign for his governorship bid. (Source: The Nation)

Stay tuned for more updates on APC news in Calabar!