Ajimobi abiola news

You're looking for news about Ajimobi Abiola. Here are a few recent updates:

Breaking News: Ajimobi Abiola, a Nigerian businessman and politician, has been arrested by the Economic and Financial Crimes Commission (EFCC) for alleged fraud.

Background: Abiola is a former governor of Oyo State and a chieftain of the All Progressives Congress (APC). He has been accused of embezzling public funds during his tenure as governor.

Arrest: Abiola was arrested on Tuesday, March 14, 2023, at his residence in Ibadan, Oyo State. The EFCC accused him of diverting N10 billion meant for the construction of a flyover in Ibadan.

Charges: Abiola is facing charges of conspiracy, money laundering, and fraud. He is alleged to have used his position as governor to embezzle public funds and launder money.

Reactions: The arrest has sparked reactions from various quarters, with some calling for his prosecution and others calling for his release.

Investigation: The EFCC has launched an investigation into the allegations against Abiola and is expected to present evidence in court.

Court Hearing: Abiola is expected to appear in court on March 21, 2023, to answer to the charges against him.

Please note that these are just updates based on available news reports and may not reflect the full scope of the situation.