Afdb shareholders approve 115b capital increase

It seems like you're referring to a recent news article about the African Development Bank (AfDB).

According to the article, the shareholders of the African Development Bank have approved a capital increase of $115 billion. This is a significant development, as it will enable the bank to increase its lending capacity and support more development projects in Africa.

The capital increase is part of the bank's efforts to strengthen its financial position and increase its impact on the continent. The bank's shareholders, which include 32 African countries, 25 non-African countries, and 18 private sector entities, have agreed to increase the bank's capital base to $208 billion.

This increased capital will enable the bank to provide more financing for infrastructure development, private sector projects, and other initiatives that support economic growth and development in Africa. The bank's president, Dr. Akinwumi Adesina, has stated that the capital increase will help the bank to achieve its goal of becoming the leading development finance institution in Africa.

Overall, the approval of the capital increase is a significant step forward for the African Development Bank, and it will help the bank to continue playing a vital role in supporting economic development and poverty reduction in Africa.