Add a new domain to your hosting account

Here's a step-by-step guide on how to add a new domain to your hosting account:

Step 1: Log in to your hosting account

Go to your hosting provider's website and log in to your account using your username and password.

Step 2: Access the domain manager

Once you're logged in, look for the "Domains" or "Domain Manager" section in your hosting control panel. This section may be located under a menu or in a separate tab.

Step 3: Click on "Add Domain"

In the Domain Manager section, click on the "Add Domain" or "Create Domain" button. This will open a new window or page where you can enter the details of your new domain.

Step 4: Enter the domain name

Enter the new domain name you want to add to your hosting account. Make sure to include the top-level domain (TLD) such,.net,.org, etc.

Step 5: Choose the domain type

Select the type of domain you want to add. Common options include:

Step 6: Set the domain settings

Configure the domain settings as needed. This may include:

Step 7: Verify the domain ownership

To prevent unauthorized access to your domain, you may need to verify your domain ownership. This can be done by creating a TXT record or uploading an HTML file to your new domain.

Step 8: Save the changes

Once you've completed the above steps, click the "Save" or "Add Domain" button to add the new domain to your hosting account.

Step 9: Update your DNS settings (optional)

If you want to use your new domain with a custom DNS setup, you'll need to update your DNS settings. This may involve creating new DNS records or updating existing ones.

Step 10: Test your domain

Once the domain is added and your DNS settings are updated, test your domain by visiting it in a web browser. If everything is set up correctly, you should see your website or a default page.

That's it! Your new domain should now be added to your hosting account. If you encounter any issues or have questions, feel free to ask.