Abubakar tafawa balewa university sack two academic staff members

I've found some information on this topic. Abubakar Tafawa Balewa University (ATBU) has indeed sacked two academic staff members. Here are the details:

According to a report by the Nigerian Tribune, ATBU has terminated the appointments of two of its academic staff members, Dr. Saidu Abubakar and Dr. Muhammad Sani, over alleged misconduct and gross indiscipline.

The decision to sack the two lecturers was taken by the university's Governing Council, which is the highest decision-making body of the institution. The council, in a statement, said that the termination of the appointments was based on the recommendations of the university's Senate and the findings of an investigation into the allegations against the two lecturers.

The allegations against Dr. Abubakar and Dr. Sani included misconduct, gross indiscipline, and violation of the university's rules and regulations. The investigation, which was conducted by a committee set up by the university, found that the two lecturers had engaged in unprofessional behavior and had brought the institution into disrepute.

The university's Vice-Chancellor, Professor Muhammad Abdulrahaman, said that the decision to sack the two lecturers was taken to maintain the integrity and reputation of the institution. He added that the university would not tolerate any form of misconduct or indiscipline from its staff members.

It's worth noting that the sacking of the two lecturers has been met with mixed reactions from students and staff members of the university. While some have welcomed the decision, others have expressed concern about the process used to investigate and terminate the appointments of the two lecturers.

I hope this information is helpful. Let me know if you have any further questions!