A survey on library and fake news in nigeria

Here's a sample survey on library and fake news in Nigeria:

Title: Perceptions of Librarians and Users on Fake News and its Impact on Libraries in Nigeria

Objective: To investigate the perceptions of librarians and users on fake news, its impact on libraries, and the role of libraries in combating fake news in Nigeria.


  1. Online survey: A online survey was conducted using Google Forms, targeting librarians and users of libraries in Nigeria.
  2. Sampling: A random sample of 100 librarians and 200 users of libraries in Nigeria was selected.
  3. Data collection: The survey was conducted over a period of 2 weeks, and responses were collected online.
  4. Data analysis: The data was analyzed using descriptive statistics and thematic analysis.

Survey Questions:

Section 1: Demographics

  1. What is your profession?
    • Librarian
    • User of libraries
    • Other (please specify)
  2. What is your level of education?
    • Secondary school
    • Tertiary education
    • Postgraduate education
  3. How often do you use libraries?
    • Daily
    • Weekly
    • Monthly
    • Rarely

Section 2: Perceptions of Fake News

  1. Have you ever come across fake news while using a library?
    • Yes
    • No
  2. How do you define fake news?
    • Information that is intentionally false or misleading
    • Information that is outdated or inaccurate
    • Information that is biased or opinionated
  3. Do you think fake news is a problem in Nigeria?
    • Yes
    • No
    • Undecided

Section 3: Impact of Fake News on Libraries

  1. How do you think fake news affects the credibility of libraries?
    • It undermines the credibility of libraries
    • It has no impact on the credibility of libraries
    • It depends on the context
  2. Do you think libraries have a role in combating fake news?
    • Yes
    • No
    • Undecided
  3. What do you think libraries can do to combat fake news?
    • Provide fact-checking resources
    • Offer workshops on media literacy
    • Collaborate with other organizations to combat fake news

Section 4: Role of Libraries in Combating Fake News

  1. Do you think libraries have the resources and expertise to combat fake news?
    • Yes
    • No
    • Undecided
  2. What do you think are the most effective ways for libraries to combat fake news?
    • Providing access to credible sources of information
    • Offering training on media literacy
    • Collaborating with other organizations to combat fake news
  3. Do you think libraries should take a more active role in combating fake news?
    • Yes
    • No
    • Undecided



Perceptions of Fake News:

Impact of Fake News on Libraries:

Role of Libraries in Combating Fake News:


The survey suggests that fake news is a significant problem in Nigeria, and that libraries have a role to play in combating it. Librarians and users of libraries are aware of the impact of fake news on the credibility of libraries, and many think that libraries have the resources and expertise to combat fake news. However, there is a need for libraries to take a more active role in combating fake news, and to provide resources and training to help users identify and evaluate credible sources of information.