90 lafayette street new york 10002 united state of america

A specific address!

Here's what I found:

Address: 90 Lafayette Street, New York, NY 10002, United States of America

Location: This address is located in the SoHo neighborhood of Lower Manhattan, New York City. Specifically, it's on the west side of Lafayette Street, between Howard Street and Canal Street.

Landmarks: The address is within walking distance to several popular landmarks, including:

  1. Canal Street (0.2 miles)
  2. Chinatown (0.3 miles)
  3. Little Italy (0.4 miles)
  4. Tribeca (0.5 miles)
  5. City Hall (0.6 miles)

Points of Interest: The area is known for its trendy shops, restaurants, and art galleries. You'll find a mix of old and new architecture, including historic cast-iron buildings and modern high-rise developments.

Transportation: The nearest subway stations are:

  1. Canal Street Station (N, Q, R, W, J, Z, 6) - 0.2 miles
  2. Spring Street Station (N, Q, R, W) - 0.3 miles
  3. Canal Street Station (1) - 0.4 miles

Please note that this information is subject to change, and I recommend verifying the address and its surroundings with a reliable source, such as Google Maps or a mapping service, for the most up-to-date information.